
St George Chiropractor

Statin Drugs and Muscle Pain

Do statin drugs cause muscle pain??  I get that question frequently.   Without a doubt, there is a relationship between taking statin drugs  (the cholesterol lowering medications) and muscle pain.  But we need to  consider the whole package.  There are different types of muscle pain,  each with a different cause. Solid clinical research shows that about […]

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Fibromyalgia Is Finally Getting Attention

Fibromyalgia is a common painful disease with no known exact cause.   For years it was dismissed by the mainstream medical community.  The  estimated 6 million people who suffer with the disease had to seek  alternative and complimentary treatments.  As I chiropractor I often  treat patients who suffer from the disease.  It seems that the medical  […]

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Research shows chiropractic better at treating migraines.

Migraine headaches are estimated to cost the U.S. over $17 billion each year. While it is clinically recognized that migraines can be related to cervicogenic conditions, the exact nature of this relationship is unknown. This study set out to test the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment for migraines. 123 participants diagnosed with migraines according to the […]

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St George Chiropractor

Rebound Headaches

  Did you know that your headache medication may be the source of your headache? It’s true. Headache medications can lead to “Rebound Headaches.” In fact, any pain medication can lead to Rebound Headaches, even over-the-counter medication like Tylenol or Advil. If you are taking pain medication more than once per week and you are […]

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St George Chiropractor

Methadone for pain control. Still a bad idea.

Pain medications are classified based on how the function in the body and their chemical pathways.  One family of pain medication is called the ‘opioids.’  These drugs are popular because they have three major therapeutic effects: Decrease perception Decreased pain response Increased pain tolerance Opioids also come in different varieties.  There are natural (morphine, codeine) […]

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St George Chiropractor

Shared Decision-Making Decreases Overuse of Antibiotics

I’m a chiropractor.  I don’t prescribe antibiotics.  But I care about the results of a recent research article on the subject of antibiotics. In the research study, investigators looked at the role of educating patients about their disease process and including them in the decision making process.  It seems obvious that we ought to be […]

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St George Chiropractor

Exercise Reduces Risk of Colon Cancer

A recent research article published this week reiterates the importance of regular exercise. Researchers have shown that with regular exercise, you can reduce your risk of colon polyps by 16% and a 30% risk reduction for large or advanced polyps. The scientists are not entirely certain of the mechanism of action. Most likely it is […]

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St George Chiropractor

Chiropractors Better at Neck Pain, According to Study

When it comes to treating your neck pain, the best medicine is not a medicine at all. According to research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, your best option for neck pain is your chiropractor. Dr. Bronfort and his research staff received funding from the National Institute of Health and looked at the best […]

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