
Video: Personal Injuries From Distracted Driving

St George Chiropractor

Personal Injuries result from distracted driving. The nice people over at DecideToDrive.org put this together for us:


  • “U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 25-30 percent of crashes nationally are at least partially attributed to distracted motorists.” [1]
  • “According to AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety’s study, approximately 8.3 percent of vehicles in crashes nationally from 1995-99 involved a distracted driver.” [2]
  • In the Virginia Commonwealth University’s 2003 pilot study of distracted drivers, nearly 62% of surveyed crashes included distracted drivers. [3]
  • “Half of the crashes that were reported involved only a single driver and of all the crashes reported, 98% involved a single distracted driver.” [3]
  • “Overall, various distractions inside the vehicle accounted for 62% of the distractions reported, distractions outside the vehicle accounted for 35% of the distractions reported, and 3% of the distractions were unknown or not marked on the survey form.” [3]
  • In 2008 almost 6,000 people died in crashes involving reports of distracted driving, and an estimated 20 percent of all crashes on U.S. roadways involved distracted driving. [4]
  • In 2008, an estimated 2.3 million people were injured in motor vehicle crashes. Of those injured, more than 500,000 people reported involvement of at least one form of driver distraction as the reason of incident on the police crash report. [5]
  • An estimated 21 percent of injury crashes were reported to have involved distracted driving, according to data from the General Estimates System (GES). [6]
  • During the 100-Car Naturalistic Driving Study, driver involvement in secondary tasks contributed to over 22 percent of all crashes and near-crashes recorded during the study period. [6]
  • “Overall, 38.4% of youths who drove reported having been distracted by a passenger…” [7]
  • In 2008, approximately 1 in 6 fatal vehicle collisions resulted from a driver being distracted while driving. [8]
  • Compared to nondistracted drivers, drivers who text are 23 times more likely to be involved in a car crash. [9]
  • “A University of Utah study found that people are as impaired when they drive and talk on a cell phone as they are when they drive intoxicated at the legal blood-alcohol limit of .08 percent.
  • 80 percent of all crashes and 65 percent of near crashes involve some type of distraction. [10]
  • Drivers who use hand-held devices are four times as likely to get into crashes serious enough to injure themselves. [11]
  • The National Safety Council (NCS) estimates that nearly 28 percent of crashes — about 1.6 million a year — can be attributed to cell phone talking and texting while driving.

Thanks and credits to DecideToDrive.org

Dr. Andrew White | St George Chiropractor

Featured image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net and sephirot17

One response to “Video: Personal Injuries From Distracted Driving”

  1. Aly says:

    Hi Dr. White – I work for a personal injury law firm We’ here in Houston, TX. We’ve seen the number of cases involving distracted driving increase significantly over the past few years. It is such a dangerous practice, as evidenced by your video. We need to do all we can to curb the practice – a combination of legislation, technology and awareness.

    Anyhow, thanks for sharing! – Aly