
How Chiropractic Works – Neuroanatomy Review


Chiropractic care is effective for treating musculokeletal pain. Most chiropractors tend to focus on a short list of pain syndromes.  In my office the things I see the most are:

  • Sciatica
  • Neck Pain
  • Headaches
  • Low Back Pain
  • Disc Injuries
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Tendonitis
  • Whiplash

Occasionally, someone will ask how chiropractic helps.  I am at a crossroads when they ask.  I know the answer, at least the long version.  But I don’t think the patient is looking for a long answer.  So I tend to give the very short sound bite “I take pressure off the nerves and it reduces pain.”  Although that is a correct answer.  It is incomplete.  So I made a video which describes how chiropractic works.  I compiled this information, all the studies, and put the information into a slide-show.  The slide-show is designed for people who have an understanding of neuro-anatomy, like medical doctors, PT’s, and exercise physiologists.

If you have ever wanted to know the mechanism by which chiropractic care works, watch the video.

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